Saturday, May 19, 2007

A taste of things to come . . .

"Earth's twilight hour has fallen. The skies have gone dark, and the very spark of life is fading, and what remains has become twisted and strange, vicious scavengers and massive fields of living rot. Mankind survives in slavery at the mercy of a lost, ancient race once long forgotten but now all too terribly real. Those few who live free exist in a constant and desperate struggle for survival, where a simple can of beans is worth a thousand times it's weight in diamonds, and the hunt for food perhaps a more dangerous and terrifying prospect than starvation. This is where humanity meets its final test, the final war over the very soul and nature of humanity, and the final decision over who will hold dominion over what remains of the Earth. Will you survive the darkness?"

This post is to announce the coming of, A Song in the Dark, a game of post-apocalyptic horror set in world where the skies have gone dark, and humanity stands on the brink of destruction at the hands of the very ancient race that keeps the planet alive.

The core seed of this game has been in existence for over ten years, and it's finally come time for it to come together.

Development will follow post by post, building the setting and system of the game, and then assembled into a completed game to be tested and finally published.

Hopefully this will be a fun ride for all of us.

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